Negron: Frankie and the Four Seasons Visit London

The great Frankie Valli and today’s Four Seasons are on their way to London to perform at Hyde Park the Prom with the BBC Symphony Orchestra. Musical director Robby Robinson talked about the fact that it is such a great honor.

They are expecting over 40,000 fans at the show on Saturday night. Naturally, my question would be if the Queen is expected but no one knows for sure. I am jealous that I can’t be there to share in such an incredible night.

It is incredible that the Frankie Valli phenomenon continues to get stronger with each passing year worldwide. The other day, I was watching the movie Goodfellas and in the flick Lorraine Bracco screamed at Ray Liota (who played Henry Hill) for not showing up for a date. “Who do you think you are, Frankie Valli or somebody?” She said.  Well ladies and gentlemen Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons are not only somebody -they are a band of about 19 guys who are super special people whom I have grown to love. I can’t wait for them to come to Broadway next month.  They will be performing at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre in New York City on October 21-29th.

The members of the band are also big baseball fans, but not all Yankee fans. Craig Pilo, the drummer, happens to be a Red Sox fan but that doesn’t make him a bad guy. Especially since he happens to be one of the best drummers in the business. Not too long ago I happened to be speaking to Paul McCartney and he told me of his excitement in seeing Frankie Valli at an affair in Los Angeles. I understand that there were a lot of incredible superstars there but Sir Paul ran right up to Frankie. How cool is that?

I always liked giving little gifts to The Boss George Steinbrenner because he never expected it.  The last gift that I gave to him was a CD signed by Frankie Valli that said’ “With much admiration” When I gave it to him, his warm smile told me how much he appreciated it.  The last year that he drove, he always kept it in his car.

If you haven’t gotten your ticket for the show in October, please do so now because Frankie and the Four Seasons are still one of the best shows anywhere.

Frankie Valli has always been a Yankee fan and Joe DiMaggio was his favorite player. Wouldn’t it be great to have him and the Four Seasons perform at the Cathedral known as Yankee Stadium. I know that myself and 40,000 fans would be online tomorrow to buy the tickets.


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